Monday, February 26, 2007

Eye Contact

"Eye Contact" is an important part in establishing relationships and making sales. We are all fortunate to work with people, cultures, and traditions from around the world. While these tips may not all perfectly fit your particular market, they serve as good reminders as to what we might or should do with our eyes during sales meetings:

- Looking at people and meeting their eyes are the first steps toward establishing relationships and making good impressions.
- It is recommended to make short frequent glances at others in social situations.
- Making eye contact for too long can be seen as threatening.
- Failing to look at others may cause suspicion as they may wonder what you might be hiding.
- Honesty and the ability to look someone in the eye are very closely related.
- Refusing to make eye contact may also send a message of arrogance, communicating to the other person that they are insignificant.

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