Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Poor Moh

My prince charming Moh got kicked in the eye on Saturday... leaving a bit of a hairline fracture, cut, blue black on him ...Sucks. There was no reason for it… some drunken and drugged up bastard did it. That bastard is in jail now for a minimum of 10 days. They are ready to pay him 100,000jpy "right now". What a joking figure?? The doctor bills already cost for 73,000jpy…which means they would pay his bill plus extra 27,000jpy only, which is about $200usd. They eventually raised the offer to 150,000jpy immediately.

I think I want to buy that bastard a kite.. Go fly kite man!!

Here is my replied to my prince charming Moh…. “What the F***? Kill that bastard.. 150,000 jpy is too little. Tell him you are very handsome, now got hairline fracture, cut and blue black.. Ask him for compensation + medical bill + lawyer fee + the loss of income (being hunt..tell him u usually being hunt 10 times a nite) Hee! Hee!”

We are not being greedy but when you drink.. you need to know what the F*** u are doing.. Getting drunk and hit people is bastard behavior.. He thinks he is gangster ah?? Need a good lesson for him.

Prince Charming Moh

Darling Moh replied: He almost ended my modeling career!
Me: Puke!! Wahaha!

But still I’m worry for you… don’t go out drinking too much.. those bl**dy hell people don’t behave as well as us.

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