Sunday, May 21, 2006

Relaxing Sunday

Sitting at the Starbucks reading New Paper was such a relaxing activity that I’m doing for this whole week. I ordered my fave almond butter cake (with strawberry jam) and a cup of tall size coffee…

I purposely leave home without my cell phone.. it was so great.. No sms, no phone call, no stress.

It was a near prefect place to day dream and relaxes but suddenly I heard a kid crying… Can we ban kids in Starbucks or can we have an adult café… strictly for adult??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello auntie, where u stay huh? the starbucks at where huh? But i do agree with you that the kids are nuisance but we should ban parents with kids like they ban dogs from some places. Agree? Write to your MP lor....