Sunday, June 04, 2006

Friday Nite: East Coast

Celebration for Didi Jerry… He will be enlisted to army on 10June. Didi will be protecting the country and the weak. We had a small celebration for him at East Coast because he is not feeling well. We had a 1.5kg choc fudge cake, lotsa drinks and some snacks..

East Coast beach (next to the hawker center)

Jerry is so excited... thank to Johnie for arranging the Choc fudge cake.. it is so rich and good. And Johnie even came up with the message on the cake.. It goes "Jerry, Enjoy the Sun, Sand and the Sea. From all of us". If I do it.. I will add the word "without us"after the Sun, Sand and the Sea.... muahaha.

Vanessa opening bottle..

Finger licking good...

Johnie busy setting up the table.. except me super free!!

Vanessa is our Goddness of Gamble... She is super pro in playing mahjong and cards.. We had a crash course on Mahjong for Johnie and Jerry.. then they did a crash course on Chor Dai Di on me...

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