Thursday, July 06, 2006

I Love Dress

I like this dress..... What color is nice? I'm going to do some measurement tonite.. wahaha!

★Item No: 040396 (dress)
★Colour: Red / Blue / White
★Item Measurement
★Shoulder-33cm,Chest-41cm,Waist-38cm,Length-86cm,Sleeve Length-17cm,Sleeve Width-19cm
★model 160cm/42kg (32.24.34,Shoulder-38cm)


Kwakwa said...

darling... dun need measure lar.. confirm can fit lor .. hahah ... get either the red or white .. i like the collar.. hahah ...

she got others not bad looking lar.. i got 2 tops, 1 jacket and a dress.. hahha .. fast har .. ]

Meow Meow.. when ur turn to buy...?

Anonymous said...

bear bear , get white get white ....

me ?? soon..i hope . cat brain smaaler so still thinking hard .. hahahaa

双子星 said...

Aiyo.. you all want me to dress like nurse ah??

双子星 said...

sonikbyte - same gang man... I like the red one that no scare of car at traffic light.. car will stop for sure.. ha!ha!