Friday, October 20, 2006


Total disappointment with Changi General Hospital.. SGH, TTS and CGH are all government hospitals with same standard and quality.. but I think SGH quality in service is so much better than CGH *sigh*..

So many things happen over the past 2 days at CGH.. I complaint to the CGH Corp. Affair department.. after several calls with the officer, they finally move mum to B2 ward.. It is not only more comfortable for mum but also for the family member who is there to attend to her..

Mum is still having fever.. last nite before I left, it was at 37.7C.. They have taken many tubs of blood for test but no result yet. They did a heart scan for her yesterday and I managed to speak with the cardio doctor (at last).. 1 good news, he dun think there is anything to do with the "balloon" operation that she has done in year 2000.. at least he dun think the ring is narrowing.. and there is no sign that she need to do another time :-) .. I told mum the good news so she can rest better.. no worry for another operation.. since she is already so old..

Mum has good appetite last nite.. she finished her dinner.. and we got her a chicken pau.. in case she is hungry at nite..

boring & plain dinner.. tau foo with minced porks + veg + rice..

Supper served at 8pm.. 1 sliced of whole wheat bread with butter and coffee..

Mum so happy that she got coffee.. ;-)

I didn’t sleep well for the past two nite.. keep waking up.. I’m worry mum may call me and I didn’t hear my hp ring.. I'm so damn tired.. This morning the mucus that I sneeze out got bloody stains.. *argh* I need liang-teh and lotsa rest..


havocmissy said...

Hey darling.... dun worry ok... guess itz some virus infection ... dun tink anythin bad... so u try to rest more also ok if not u collapse u wont be able to take care of her .... besides the stupid haze is causing many probs for ppl so all d more u muz take care and drink plenty of water okie.... miz u... meet up after ur mum is ok when u more settled.

双子星 said...

havocmissy - Doc oso dun know what happen to her leh.. 1 min virus infection, another min suspect dengue.. I think u beta missy than them leh.. all hopeless one..
Ya lor.. I still want to collect my surfer short from u.. and your Victoria Secret still wif mi..

sonikbyte - Thank for asking.. She will be ok but I'm super upset wif CGH.. got no time to badmouth them now.. heehee!